Chased by an Arrogant Zillionaire Chapter 2

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Chased By an Arrogant Zillionaire Chapter 2:

“Zofia Bianca Oliwia, hmm, such a beautiful name,” Xavier slipped Zofia’s ID card back into her bag.


With his phone, he took a photo of Zofia’s face, who was half asleep and covered with a thick blanket.

Xavier put his pants back on and walked towards the balcony. He lit a cigarette as a companion while waiting for sleep to come. He didn’t know what would happen tomorrow. What he knew for sure was that he liked the way Zofia teased him earlier.


Zofia opened her still sleepy eyes as the morning sun penetrated through the curtains and fell directly on both of her eyes. Her consciousness was now fully recovered, although her head still felt dizzy and heavy.

She rubbed her sore eyes. A muscular arm was wrapped around her waist. Slowly, she pulled back the blanket covering her innocent body. And the girl was startled to find her body completely bare at the moment. The white dress she wore last night lay crumpled beside the bed. Behind her, a man was still sound asleep.

“Insane, so last night I really did that?” Zofia massaged her temples anxiously. The memories of last night’s events resurfaced in her mind. When she embarrassedly seduced Xavier.

She had indeed planned to hire a gigolo last night. Her disappointment with Nathan, who had cheated with her own friend, had made her determined to retaliate against him by betraying him in return.

But Zofia chose to cheat with a gigolo while drunk last night. It was truly a foolish act that she now regretted deeply this morning.

Zofia slowly pushed away the man’s hand, intending to leave without Xavier’s knowledge. But unfortunately, the man woke up and even hugged her tighter.

“Where are you going, beautiful?” the man whispered in her ear, making Zofia shudder all over. Remembering Xavier’s cruelty last night made Zofia shiver.

Zofia turned her body to face Xavier. The handsome man smiled sweetly at her, leaving Zofia momentarily stunned. She didn’t expect the gigolo Juliana hired to be so handsome.

“Let me go.” Zofia pushed Xavier’s body away when her consciousness returned.

Xavier released his embrace on Zofia’s body. A thin smile appeared on his lips at that moment. He knew Zofia must be surprised because what they did last night was done half-consciously. And this morning, Zofia was fully conscious.

“Zofia, what kind of accountability do you want from me?” Xavier stared at Zofia, who was now sitting leaning against the bed. A white blanket covered her body up to her chest. Xavier looked at Zofia with eyes full of admiration, seeing her innocent face looking even more beautiful when waking up like this.

“How did you know my name?” Zofia furrowed her eyebrows and stared sharply at Xavier.

Xavier didn’t answer Zofia’s question; he just looked towards Zofia’s bag on the nightstand.

“How bold of you, did you look through my bag?” Zofia grabbed her bag from the nightstand with a suspicious look. She took out a brown envelope containing money that she had prepared earlier.

“This is the fee I promised. Never contact me for anything.” Zofia handed the envelope of money to Xavier, making him furrow both of his eyebrows.

“Your performance was quite satisfying last night,” Zofia pretended as if she was accustomed to doing such things. But Xavier knew very well that Zofia was actually still a very innocent girl.

“What do you take me for? You don’t know who I am?” Xavier woke up with a slightly annoyed expression due to Zofia’s insult. Xavier felt his pride had been trampled upon by a girl like Zofia. He brushed aside the brown envelope given by the girl. This was the first time he was paid by a woman after they had sex. Usually, he was the one paying those women with a high fee.

“Why should I know who you are? Our relationship ends here anyway,” Zofia ignored the annoyance on Xavier’s face. Instead, she answered Xavier’s question curtly.

“Now it’s better for you to leave from here.” Zofia even expelled Xavier from her own room. The girl didn’t know that it was actually she who should leave the room.

Xavier, who had been trying to be patient all along, of course became furious upon hearing that.

“Hey, crazy woman. It’s you who should leave. This is my room, and you’re the one who came here last night.” Xavier rose and grabbed Zofia’s jaw in frustration. Xavier, who was not used to receiving such treatment from a woman, felt his pride torn apart. He wanted to show Zofia his true identity, whom he thought had crossed the line.

Zofia turned pale. She was slightly afraid to see Xavier’s arrogant attitude towards her. The girl didn’t know Xavier and what kind of person he was. Worries arose recalling the terrifying news on television.

“O-okay. I’ll leave from here.” Zofia trembled in fear. She immediately stood up and covered her body with a blanket. She took her white dress and other clothes, then hurried into the bathroom to change.

After dressing, Zofia left Xavier, who still looked very angry.

“Go! Don’t let me see your face again. If I see you again, you’ll be finished!” Xavier’s voice shook Zofia’s heart. The girl thought that Xavier was an arrogant gigolo who didn’t even want to be paid.

Outside the room, Zofia was stunned to see the room number in front of her.

“Room 206, then this…?” Zofia looked up at the room she entered last night.

“Shit! Wrong room.” Zofia slapped her forehead in realization of her carelessness.

“Then who is that guy?” Zofia was stunned. “No wonder he looked so arrogant and conceited, turns out he wasn’t the gigolo hired by Juliana,” Zofia muttered.

But Zofia didn’t care; she immediately hurried down to her car to go home.

In the room, Xavier was still trying to contain his anger. This was the first time he encountered a girl as cold as Zofia. Usually, the girls he met always begged to stay with him. But Zofia refused the accountability he offered.

Which woman wouldn’t be tempted by a man like him? Handsome face, abundant wealth, all the criteria for Xavier’s dream wife. But Zofia didn’t care about any of it. She even thought he was just a paid sex worker.

“Watch out, Zofia, one day I will make you crawl back to me.” Xavier clenched his fists.


“How was it, Zofia?” Juliana teased Zofia with her gaze as they sat in class.

“You know, I entered the wrong room?” Zofia looked exhausted and slumped her body onto the table.

“Ah, I see. Then what happened? Did it not happen?” Juliana looked regretful.

“It did,” Zofia replied listlessly.

“With whom?” Juliana’s eyes widened.

“I don’t know, I didn’t know the guy,” Zofia looked sad. Her body felt battered from Xavier’s torture last night.

“His name? You must know the guy’s name, right?” Juliana narrowed her eyes.

Zofia shook her head.

“You’re insane, Zofia. What if something happens to you?” Juliana widened her eyes knowing Zofia’s carelessness.

“Are you implying I’m pregnant?” Zofia smiled wryly.

Juliana nodded anxiously.

“It’s impossible. A guy like him wouldn’t engage without protection. Just calm down.” Zofia ignored Juliana’s concerns.

At the moment, she didn’t want to think about anything. Her focus was on the pain all over her body and her intimate parts.

That damn man had tortured her last night. And why didn’t he refuse her and instead entertain a drunken woman like her? It was truly annoying.

“But what if he didn’t use protection? Isn’t that very dangerous? What if he transmits a disease?” Juliana whispered, still worrying about Zofia.

“Jul, stop scaring me,” Zofia sighed, starting to be influenced by Juliana’s thoughts.

“I’m just thinking about the worst, Zofia. You have to be more careful next time.” Juliana reminded her friend.

“There won’t be a next time, Jul, I’ve had enough.” Zofia wiped the tears from her cheeks. She truly regretted her foolishness last night.

“No, I should buy you an emergency contraceptive pills; using protection like that doesn’t guarantee 100 percent safety.” Juliana still felt uneasy, even heading towards the door.

Zofia stopped her friend and sighed, “No need to bother. A man like him must serve many women every day; his sperm quality must also be poor, there’s no way he could impregnate me overnight.”

Juliana reluctantly compromised with that.


9 months later.

Four twin babies were sleeping soundly. One of them was in their mother’s arms.

Author Bielenda

Author Bielenda is a renowned romance author celebrated for her captivating storytelling and deep exploration of human emotions. With a knack for crafting heartfelt narratives and intricate plots, she has won the hearts of readers worldwide.

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